Building teacher knowledge for quality mathematics education in Ireland
Who we are EPI*STEM, the national centre for STEM Education based at the University of Limerick (UL) What we did Improving mathematics proficiency among Irish school children has long been a topic of national debate. The research team at EPI*STEM, the national centre for STEM Education based at the University of Limerick play a key role in highlighting the Continue Reading
ZDM Journal
HEA funding a research impact case study of the PDMT
EPI*STEM has achieved national recognition for research impact arising from our delivery of the Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teachers (PDMT). The Higher Education Authority has announced the award of €350,000 in performance funding to EPI*STEM, based on a review of Research Impact Assessment Case Studies submitted by all higher education institutions in Ireland. UL submitted two case studies, with Continue Reading
Shortlisted for the National Heritage Awards 2019
Eleven projects shortlisted for the National Heritage Awards 2019 | National Heritage Week 15-23 August 2020 Olivia Fitzmaurice and Aoife Guerin created a maths trail for the Ennis Friary, which has been shortlisted for a National Heritage award. See for further details. Maths trail/tour of Ennis Friary’ at Ennis Friary, Co. Clare. The tour for families explored Ennis Friary through the Continue Reading
PDMT Graduation 2020
“Congratulations to our 108 teachers from the Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching who were conferred today at the University of Limerick. The PDMT, which is jointly accredited by the University of Limerick and NUI Galway, funded by the Department of Education and Skills and led by EPI*STEM, has now graduated over 1000 teachers since 2012. This is a fantastic Continue Reading
New UL Teacher Training Programme
Commencing in September 2020, UL will offer a new undergraduate programme for those wishing to become teachers of Mathematics and Computer Science. This programme would be suitable for any sixth year student interested in mathematics; modern technologies and computer systems who have a Continue Reading
Adult Numeracy: Guidelines for Good Practice
In recent months, EPI STEM have been contracted by NALA to develop Guidelines for Good Practice for Adult Numeracy. The funding received will allow EPI STEM to conduct a literature review investigating current practices in the teaching and learning of numeracy among adult learners as well as the issues faced by both teachers and learners. They will also analyse data Continue Reading
Career Mathways 2.0
In December 2019, Dr Niamh O’Meara, Dr Olivia Fitzmaurice and Dr Patrick Johnson were awarded further funding from Science Foundation Ireland [SFI] under their Discover Scheme to continue the work on the Career Mathways initiative. Career Mathways, is an exciting and novel initiative, which highlights the prevalence of Continue Reading
John Coolahan Funding
In November 2019 the Teaching Council announced the recipients of funding under the John Coolahan Research Support Framework initiative. This Framework offers support to teachers and others conducting new research, or sharing, synthesising or applying existing research in their practice, either independently or in collaboration with others. The Framework forms a key part of the Council’s Collaboration and Research for Ongoing Innovation [CROI] Research Continue Reading
STEMChAT – Poster Competition
The implementation of the SFI funded project STEMChAT has continued at EPI*STEM over the past few months. Female undergraduate STEM Champions from the WISTEM2D programme, EPI*STEM staff and Johnson & Johnson industry mentors have facilitated informal workshops with post-primary school students both in schools and community locations around County Limerick. To date, over 400 students have participated in this innovative Continue Reading
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