
IHPST 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Presentations by EPI•STEM Researchers

This year the International History and Philosophy for Science Teaching (IHPST) conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and was hosted by The Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET/RJ). This conference was in good attendance by members of EPI•STEM and the Education Department from the University of Limerick, namely Sila Kaya, Onur Imren, Alison Cullinane Continue Reading

ALM 2015, Washington DC, USA, Presentations by EPI•STEM Researchers

From Sunday July 12th until Wednesday July 15th 2015 Dr Niamh O’Meara, Dr Richard Walsh, Ms. Aoife Smith (EPI*STEM), Professor John O’Donoghue (former director of the NCE-MSTL) and Dr Fiona Faulkner (formerly of EPI*STEM) attended the 22nd International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics in Virginia, Washington. The theme of the conference was “Opening Our Mathematical Eyes: Seeing Math in Everything Continue Reading

Relevant Chemistry Education: From Theory to Practice

EPI•STEM researchers Dr Peter Childs, Dr Anne O'Dwyer, Dr Sarah Hayes and Professor Sibel Erduran have contributed chapters to a new book entitled "Relevant Chemistry Education: From Theory to Practice" published in 2015 by Sense Publishers. The volume edited by Professor Ingo Eilks and Professor Avi Hofstein consists of 20 chapters from international contributors. Each chapter focuses on a certain Continue Reading

Supporting the Implementation of Scientific Practices in Lebanon

Professor Sibel Erduran will collaborate with Professor Zoubeida Dagher, University of Delaware, USA, Professor Saouma BouJaoude, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and Dr Ebru Kaya, Bogazici University, Turkey on a project funded by NARST for a year in 2015. The project's objectives are (a) to promote the use of scientific practices in science lessons in Lebanon, (b) to support in-service Continue Reading

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction (CR) is a European project looking to recruit 10 teachers(2 teachers from 5 different schools) interested in enhancing approaches to Inquiry Based Science Education.  All methodologies used are coherent with the revised science syllabus and the work is conducted as a community of practice that emphasises sharing ideas in a truly developmental process.  The school is paid directly Continue Reading

Limericks’ Pint of Science May 2015

Visitors to the Locke Bar on Monday night 18th May and White House Bar on Tuesday night 19th May were thoroughly entertained with the subjects of health, science, technology, environment and maths while enjoying a drink this week. Pint of Science took over the Locke with discussions not just about science but science in our society - well-known and renowned Continue Reading

Pecha Kucha

Researchers and PhD students share their research topic through a Pecha Kucha style event at EPI•STEM PechaKucha

Presentations at the annual NARST and AERA Conferences in Chicago, 2015

NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research (NARST) and American Educational Research Association (AERA) held their annual conferences in Chicago, USA in April 2015. NARST AERA Conference 2015  

ESAI Conference 2015 focuses on the advancement of educational research in Ireland.

The 2015 ESAI (The Educational Studies Association of Ireland) conference was held on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th of April in Carton House, Maynooth. This conference brought a wide range of research community from different parts of the country and focused on the advancement of educational research in Ireland. Click here for further details

Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) report

On Wednesday January 28th Dr Olivia Fitzmaurice (), Dr. Eabhnat ni Fhloinn (DCU), Dr. Ciaran Mac an Bhaird (Maynooth University) and Mr. Ciaran O'Sullivan (ITT Dublin), authors of the Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) report ‘on Student Evaluation of Mathematics Learning Support: Insights from a large scale multi-institutional survey’  published by EpiStem visited Leinster house for a meeting with the Junior Continue Reading

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