Left to right: VP Professor Kerstin Mey (UL), Leisha Daly (JnJ), Anna Rafferty (JnJ), Michelle Finnan (JnJ), Fiona Lynch (JnJ), Eamonn O'Neill (JnJ), Senator Maria Byrne, Patrick Sheehy (JnJ), Leona Smith (JnJ), Liz Dooley (JnJ), Professor Merrilyn Goos (UL), VP Mary Shire (UL).
The Analog Devices Building on the University of Limerick campus was host for the WiSTEM2D Launch Event for the 2018/19 Year. This event marks the opening of the third year of the partnership between the University of Limerick and Johnson and Johnson. The WiSTEM2D Programme is an exciting initiative where female undergraduate students in STEM disciplines get the opportunity to apply to the programme where those successful receive excellent opportunities that aid their development personally and professionally. The launch event was a fantastic success with many great speakers on the night, including Senator Maria Byrne, VP Professor Kerstin Mey, Professor Merrilyn Goos and Mark Devine from Johnson and Johnson. Past students of the programme took part in a discussion panel which gave great insights into the programme, the impact it has had on them and what it meant for them now looking back.

Left to right: VP Professor Kerstin Mey (UL), Professor Merrilyn Goos (UL), Liz Dooley (JnJ), Senator Maria Byrne, Leisha Daly (JnJ), Mark Devine (JnJ), VP Mary Shire (UL).

Left to right: Anna Rafferty (JnJ), Professor Merrilyn Goos (UL), Liz Dooley (JnJ), Tracey O'Connell (UL), Ciara Olsthoorn (2017/18 WiSTEM2D UL Student), Alice Parkes (2017/17 WiSTEM2D UL Student).
Please find more information and application forms for the programme at this link: https://epistem.ie/johnson-johnson-wistem2d-awards/#