Events & Media
Supporting the Implementation of Scientific Practices in Lebanon
Professor Sibel Erduran will collaborate with Professor Zoubeida Dagher, University of Delaware, USA, Professor Saouma BouJaoude, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and Dr Ebru Kaya, Bogazici University, Turkey on a project funded by NARST for a year in 2015. The project's objectives are (a) to promote the use of scientific practices in science lessons in Lebanon, (b) to support in-service Continue Reading
Epi•Stem Lecture Series: A talk by Dr Guillermina Gavaldon
Department of Education, University of Alcala, Spain Wednesday 8th July, 12h00 to 13h00, Room A1-065 Title of Talk: Preparing teachers for the 21st century: An intersection of UDL and TPACK Abstract: The educational system should provide a common education background for the diversity of students recognizing and meeting the individual learning needs of each one of them. Continue Reading
Epi•Stem Lecture Series: A talk by Professor Hae-Ae Seo
Department of Biology Education, College of Education, Pusan National University Wednesday 17th June at 12h00 - 13h30, Room A1-065 Title of Talk: ‘Some Issues and Problems of Policy and Professional Development in Science Gifted Education in Korea’ Abstract: Beyond educational needs in general, science gifted education in Korea was emerged by social forces about forty years ago Continue Reading
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction (CR) is a European project looking to recruit 10 teachers(2 teachers from 5 different schools) interested in enhancing approaches to Inquiry Based Science Education. All methodologies used are coherent with the revised science syllabus and the work is conducted as a community of practice that emphasises sharing ideas in a truly developmental process. The school is paid directly Continue Reading
Limericks’ Pint of Science May 2015
Visitors to the Locke Bar on Monday night 18th May and White House Bar on Tuesday night 19th May were thoroughly entertained with the subjects of health, science, technology, environment and maths while enjoying a drink this week. Pint of Science took over the Locke with discussions not just about science but science in our society - well-known and renowned Continue Reading
Epi•Stem Lecture Series: A talk by Professor Şenay Purzer
School of Engineering Education, Purdue University Thursday 16th July, 12h00 to 13h00, Room A1-065 Title of Talk: ‘Untangling and Assessing Design Reasoning in Engineering’ Abstract: Although engineering, as an integrative field, incorporates many aspects of other STEM disciplines, it also differs from these disciplines with its purpose as well as its focus on design context, constraints, and Continue Reading
Pecha Kucha
Researchers and PhD students share their research topic through a Pecha Kucha style event at EPI•STEM PechaKucha
Presentations at the annual NARST and AERA Conferences in Chicago, 2015
NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research (NARST) and American Educational Research Association (AERA) held their annual conferences in Chicago, USA in April 2015. NARST AERA Conference 2015
Pint of Science May 18th & 19th – a worldwide event where scientists doff their white coats and head to the pubs to tell their research tales.
UL personnel from across the faculties are organising an event named Pint of Science in Limerick on Monday, May 18th in the Locke Bar and Tuesday, May 19th in the White House. - >> Click here to download the event programme - The Limerick evenings will cover Health, Environment and Technology with topics including; Computers dreaming of electric music; Brains Continue Reading
Epi•Stem Lecture Series: A talk by Professor Conleth Hussey
Head of Department of Civil Engineering & Materials Science Wednesday 13th May 12:30, Room A1-065 Title of Talk: FROM THE JOY OF SETS, AND THE MATHEMATICS OF LOVE … TO THE LOVE OF MATHEMATICS!! Abstract: While Plato had the intuition that “Anyone who does not begin with love will never understand what philosophy is,” this talk starts from Continue Reading
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