Lecturer in Science Education
Dr Regina Kelly is a Lecturer in Science Education in the School of Education and is the Course Director for the undergraduate Science Education programmes in the University of Limerick. Her main teaching relates to science methods specialising in physics pedagogy, which she teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research interests focus on science education, science preservice teacher education, inclusive STEM education, and teaching and learning in higher education. She has coordinated a number of internationally and nationally funded research projects, including WiSTEM2D, Gender Gap in Science, and STeP into Science. She is currently a PI on the EU-funded OTTER project looking at Education Outside the Classroom. She is also a recipient of an Irish Research Council New Foundations Award and PI of the Planning Science Inquiry project.
Research Interests
2021 :OTTER – Outdoor Science Education for a Sustainable FutureSwafS-24-2020:Science education outside the classroom
Principal Investigators:Dr Orla McCormack and Dr Regina Kelly
Brief Description:The overall objective ofthe OTTER project is to enhance the understanding of Education Outside theClassroom (EOC) methods and pedagogies and how they can help improve theacquisition of scientific knowledge and transferable skills in students,specifically in the field of environmental sustainability and the reductionof plastic waste. It aims to increase interest in scientific topics amongyoung people, while also contributing to the range of innovative educationalprojects and the increase of scientific citizenship within the EU.
Funding:HORIZON 2020 SwafS-24-2020, Science education outside the classroom(272,531)
2019:Planning Inquiry Science Lessons: Unpacking science concepts and teachingstrategies required for inquiry-based science education
Project Team: Dr ReginaKelly (PI), Dr John O Reilly affiliated with the University of Limerick, andDr Margaret Marshman affiliated with the University of Sunshine Coast,Queensland, Australia.
Brief Description: acollaborative project that will compare how Irish Science pre-serviceteachers and Australian Science pre-service teachers design inquiry lessons.
Funding: Irish Research Council under the New Foundations Scheme 2019, Strand 2:Knowledge exchange for impact
2019Title: Institute ofPhysics National Survey of Science Teachers and Post Primary School PrincipalProject Team: Dr ReginaKelly (PI), Dr Eilish McLoughlin and Deirdre O Neill.
Funding:Institute of Physics
2018- 2020 : A Global Approachto the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How toMeasure It, How to Reduce It? Ireland Project Team: DrRegina Kelly and Prof Merrilyn Goos (PI)Brief Description: DrRegina Kelly is completing Work Package 3, developing a database of goodpractices that promotes gender diversity in mathematics and science atprimary, secondary and tertiary education under the guidance of Prof MerrilynGoos.
Funding: International Council for Science (300,000euro).
2018 :STEMChAT Women as catalysts for change in STEM education
Project Team: Sila Kaya,Tracey O Connell, Nichola Keegan, Dr Regina Kelly and Prof Merrilyn Goos.
Brief Description: Outreachinitiative to address the serious under-representation of women in the STEMworkforce in Ireland by creating new, engaging approaches to providing careerinformation for school students and parents.
Funding:35,880 Discover Program Call of Science Foundation Ireland
2016-2018 :WiSTEM2D Program Project Team: (2016) Dr Regina Kellyand Dr Oliver McGarr. Project team (2017) Dr Regina Kelly, Dr Oliver McGarrand Prof Merrilyn Goos in partnership with Johnson and Johnson. Brief Description: Theproject aims to develop high impact strategies for increasing the number ofwomen enrolling in and graduating from STEM2D programs, degrees and graduatelevel research.
Funding:Johnson and Johnson ($100,000 per year).
2016-2017 :STeP into Science Project: Engaging Students, Teachers and Parents inDebates,
Project Team: Dr ReginaKelly (Team Lead), Dr Grainne Walshe, Liam Guilfoyle and Prof Sibel Erduranin partnership with Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT).Brief Description:The STeP into Scienceproject aimed to facilitate the teaching and learning of the Irish lowersecond-level curricular objectives on nature of science, through engagingteachers, students, and guardians in school debate events on socio-scientificissues.
Funding:Science Foundation Ireland (15,000)
2015 :Investigating the development of 21st Century Skills in an Interdisciplinary ScienceModuleBrief Description: Thisproject aimed to assess if higher education develops professional life skillsthat lead to successful science careers.Project Team: Dr Regina Kelly, EilishMcLoughlin and Odilla Finlayson
Fundedby CASTeL (49,405) 2009-2014
2009: Addressing Student Motivation in Physics:An investigation into the key motivational factors that influence participantperformance and attitudes to physics in a first year introductory physicsmoduleProject Team: Dr ReginaKelly, Dr Leah Wallace (Limerick Institute of Technology) and Dr GeorgeMcClelland (University of Limerick).
Funding: SIF II and Limerick Institute ofTechnology (62,644)
Professional Activities
- 2018 University of Limerick – Science Education Project Officer
- 2016 Hibernia College – Academic Supervisor
- 2015 Dublin City University – Postdoctoral Researcher (Science Education)
- 2018 – Travel Bursary
- 2018 – Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship
- 2009 – PhD Funding
- 2014 Limerick Institute of Technology – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
- 2009 University of Limerick – Bachelor of Science, BSc (Hons)
- Member, Institute of Physics
- Member, Irish Science Teachers Association
- Member, International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group
- Improving Gender Balance in Ireland Steering Group ,
- Institute of Physics Ireland Education Group,
- Conference Abstract and Manuscript Reviewer: 12th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA)
- Conference Abstract and Manuscript Reviewer: 2017 GIREP-ICPE-EPEC jointly organised by Conference of International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP), European Physical Society – Physics Education Division (EPS PED) and International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) of the Commission C14 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).
- Conference Abstract and Manuscript Reviewer: 2016 Limerick Symposium on Nature of Science in Science Education: Recent Debates and Future Directs
- Represented the Irish team as a physics mentor at the 2015 European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) in Austria.
- Participated in nationwide physics outreach events with Physics Busking (SFI funded).