Director of the Science Learning Centre (Centre for Transformative Learning)

Gráinne is the Director of the Science Learning Centre (Centre for Transformative Learning) at the University of Limerick. She teaches modules on Physics for Engineers. Her research areas focus on curriculum design and development for STEM disciplines, and improving gender diversity and inclusion in physics. She is Project Lead for the SOPHia Project, a Science Foundation Ireland-funded project that aims to increase positive perceptions of and uptake of school physics, especially by girls. She is an elected member of the national committee for the Institute of Physics Ireland and of the Institute of Physics Higher Education Group committee. She is a co-opted member of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment Senior Cycle Physics Development Group, which is working on redeveloping the upper second-level physics curriculum. She is a member of EU Genera Network for supporting women in physics. She is a member of the University of Limerick team that, along with our partners in DCU (lead institution) and NUIG, developed the new upskilling programme for physics teachers; the HEA-funded Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching Physics. She is a member of the University of Limerick team (based in EPI*STEM: The National Centre for STEM Education), that was contracted by the Department of Education (Irish Government Department) to carry out a comprehensive literature review on interventions to address the low uptake of STEM subjects by girls from early years through to end of secondary school.



Publications and Conferences

Walshe, G., Johnston, J., & McClelland, G. (2017). Integrating Mathematics into Science: Design, Development and Evaluation of a Curriculum Model. In K. Hahl, K. Juuti, J. Lampiselkä, J. Lavonen, & A. Uitto (Eds.), Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research: Selected Papers from ESERA 2015 Conference. Dordrecht: Springer. DOI:

Bholoa, A., Walshe, G. and Ramma, Y. (2016) ‘Curriculum implications of the integration of mathematics into science’ in Akpan, B. and Taber, K. S., eds., Science Education: An International Course Companion, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Ní Ríordáin, M., Johnston, J. and Walshe, G. (2015), ‘Making mathematics and science integration happen: Key aspects of practice’, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology [online], 1-23, available: doi: 10.1080/0020739X.2015.1078001

Johnston, J., Ní Ríordáin, M. and Walshe, G. (2014) ‘An Integrated Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics Utilising Technology – The Teachers’ Perspective’, Journal on School Educational Technology, 9(4), 14-26

Walshe, G., Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2014), ‘Integrating Mathematics into Junior Science’, Chemistry in Action!, 102, 48-50



Johnston, J., Walshe, G. and Ní Ríordáin, M. (2016), ‘Utilising Different Models of Integration to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Second Level Science and Mathematics’, Conference Proceedings, New Perspectives in Science Education, Florence, Italy, 17-18 March

Walshe, G., Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2016) ‘ Integrating mathematics into science: Collaborative curriculum design’, SMEC Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Dublin City University, 16-17 June

Erduran, S., Kelly, R., Walshe, G., and Guilfoyle, L. (2016) ‘Step into science project: Engaging students, teachers and parents in debates’, SMEC Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Dublin City University, 16-17 June

Walshe, G., Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2015), ‘Integrating mathematics into science: Design, development and evaluation of a curriculum model’, presented at the European Science Education Research Association Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 31 August – 5 September

 Walshe, G., Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2014) ‘Designing, Developing and Evaluating Integrated STEM Activities for Junior Science’, Conference Proceedings Thinking Assessment in Science and Mathematics, SMEC Science and Mathematics Education Conference, Dublin City University, 24-25 June, 180-186

Walshe, G. Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2013), ‘Designing, Developing and Evaluating a Syllabus Map and Teaching and Learning Sequence for Integrated Science and Mathematics at Lower Secondary-Level in Ireland’, ESERA European Science Education Research Association conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 3 – 7 Sept

O’ Dywer, A., Walshe, G. and Cullinane, A. (2013) Facilitating in-service Science teachers in reforming their Continued Professional Development, paper presented at the ESERA European Science Education Research Association, Nicosia, Cyrus, 3-7 Sept

O’ Dwyer, A. Walshe, G. and Cullinane, A. (2013) The Mallow Schools Project: A self-sustainable model for CPD in science and mathematics education, paper presented at the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 21st – 23rd March

Walshe, G.,  Johnston, J. and McClelland, G. (2012), ‘Modelling Science and Mathematics Integration at Second-Level: Prototyping and Proof of Concept of an Intervention’,  in Paul van Kampen, Brien Nolan, Odilla Finlayson, ed.(s), Eilish McLoughlin, chair ESTABLISH | SMEC 2012 Teaching at the heart of Learning, Dublin City University, Ireland, 7-9 June 2012. 141-147 [available:]

Walshe, G., Johnston, J. and Starr, M.  (2012), ‘The Mallow Schools Project: Promoting Science and Mathematics Education in the Mallow District’, The IOSTE NW Europe Mini Symposium 2012, University of Limerick, 18-20 April.


+353 61 234907

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