An Investigation of the Impact of an Industry-focused gender intervention on the self-perceptions and career aspirations of female undergraduate students in the STEM disciplines
A Research Report by
Tracey O’Connell
Junior Cycle Coding - Junior Cycle Coding in Action:Researching change. 46th Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI), Dublin, 2 March 2019.
Una Fleming and Clare McInerney in collaboration with the JCT
Time in Mathematics Education (TiME): A National Study Analysing the Time Allocated to Mathematics at Second Level in Ireland :![](
Niamh O'Meara and Mark Prendergast
An Irish Mathematics Learning Support network (IMLSN) Report on Student Evaluation of Mathematics Lear
ning Support: Insights from a large scale multi-institutional survey
Authors and Editors:
Ciarán O’Sullivan, Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Olivia Fitzmaurice and Eabhnat Ní Fhloinn
Out-of-field teaching in post-primary Maths Education: An Analysis of the Irish Context
Authors and Editors:
Máire Ní Ríordáin and Ailish Hannigan
Mathematics and Gaeilge: 'The influence of Bilingualism’
Author & Editor:
Máire Ní Ríordáin
A Review of School Textbooks for Project Maths
Authors and Editors:
Lisa O’Keeffe and John O’Donoghue