An Evaluation Research Project of the Celebrate Science Festival 2014.
Abstract: A research evaluation study of the Celebrate Science Festival 2014 was undertaken by Michelle Starr and Liam Guilfoyle, EPI-STEM and was funded by Science Foundation Ireland. The Celebrate Science Festival was held during science week, November 9th – 16th 2014.
Eight SFI research Centres and their academic colleagues in departments and research centres in UL, UCC, UCD, TCD & NUIG collaborated to celebrate the power of science during science week with the Celebrate Science Festival. Organised by the education and public engagement staff in SFI’s Research Centres in Cork, Limerick, Dublin and Galway and funded through SFI Research Centres Education and Public Engagement programme, the Celebrate Science festival’s mission was to demystify science and make it accessible for the public by building strong links between the scientific research communities and the general public to showcase the power of science.
The evaluation utilised data from surveys with visitors, teachers and volunteers; interviews with volunteers; sticky note remarks from visitors; attendance recording methods and web/social media traffic. A report has been prepared and presented to SFI which discusses the key findings of the evaluation.
Researchers: Michelle Starr and Liam Guilfoyle