
Outreach: Maths Week Activity, University of Limerick

THE MATHEMATICAL MAGIC SHOW WITH DR FERNANDO BLASCO IN THE UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK CONCERT HALL MONDAY OCTOBER 13th AT 10.15AM Secondary Schools Students ( Transition year and 5th year) are invited to attend this talk with Dr. Fernando Blasco. A mathematician at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Fernando Blasco is one of Spain's best known mathematics promoters. He collaborates with Continue Reading

“Nature of Science” studies in science education

Sibel Erduran gave an invited talk entitled "A new direction for "Nature of Science" studies in science education” at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey on September 19, 2014.

The Mallow Maths and Science Family Fair 2014

Do you want to go to Space? Start in Mallow…. With GO TO SPACE at the Mallow Maths and Science Family Fair 2014 in the Mallow GAA Complex on Sunday October 12th, 12 noon - 3.30pm where you can also visit the Alimentary Adventures Tunnel and try your hand at the Robotics Arena, Interactive displays and activities with UL, UCC, MIC, Continue Reading

Latest Publication: Chemistry Education: Best Practices, Innovative Strategies and New Technologies

A new book will be published by Wiley-VCH in Feb. 2015 on Chemistry Education: Best Practices, Innovative Strategies and New Technologies Javier Garcia-Martinez, Elena Serrano-Torregrosa, Eds. and contains a chapter by Peter Childs, Silvija Markic and Marie Ryan. 17 The role of language in the teaching and learning of Chemistry P. Childs, S. Markic, M.C. Ryan

Current Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching

On September 1st, 2014, Professor Michael Matthews from University of New South Wales, Australia has given a lecture entitled "Current Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching" as part of the lecture series organised by the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning. Professor Matthews is the Editor of Science & Education Journal (Springer).  He has Continue Reading

Science Education Research Seminar (SERS)

Our first Science Education Research Seminar (SERS) for the 2014-15 academic year was on Monday 15th September at 4.00pm. Dr. Carolina Martín Gámez, Faculty of  Education and Science, University of Málaga, Málaga, Spain. Energy problem as a learning context in Compulsory Secondary Education: An experience with pre-service science teachers Marie Ryan, PhD research student, Department of Chemical and Environmental Science, University of Limerick Continue Reading

Astronaut Visit – Limerick

Limerick will be visited by Astronaut, Alfred Worden on the 16th Sept at 8PM - in LIT Millennium Theatre where he will speak of his experiences. Doors open for photography @ 6:45 PM. Tickets available online: €15 Students or €25. Also there will be an astronaut dinner on 17th at 8 pm in the Pavilion in the North Campus, University Continue Reading

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