Visitors from the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University
In September 2019 Colleagues from the Centre for Educational Research at Western Sydney University visited EPI•STEM, the National Centre for STEM Education. WSU colleagues, expertise spans mathematics and science education, educational technology, educational psychology ,social psychology, sociology of education, teacher professional development, health education, and higher education. During their visit the following series of seminars was presented: Discontinuity across the Continue Reading
Mathematical Modelling for Teachers
Mathematical Modelling for Teachers A Practical guide to Applicable Mathematics Education Jurgen Maaz, Niamh O Meara, Patrick Johnson, John O Donoghue While there are many areas of focus in mathematics education, there are many good reasons for offering applicable mathematics education in schools. Let us just mention two of the most important reasons. On the one hand, a focus on the practical Continue Reading
WiSTEM²D Program Launch 2019/2020
WiSTEM²D 2019/2020 Program Launches! The Women in STEM2D Awards Program officially launched on 15th September 2019. This year, the program is using a promotion video as a method of attracting applicants. Please find the video at the following link: Along with the video, Continue Reading
Limerick and Clare schools selected for “Numeracy Across the Curriculum” pilot programme University of Limerick, Monday 20th May: EPISTEM, the National Centre for STEM Education based in the University of Limerick, today announced a new “Numeracy Across the Curriculum” (NAC) initiative. A year-long research and development project with the goal of developing strategies for teaching numeracy across the curriculum, the initiative will Continue Reading
WiSTEM2D End of Year Event 2018
The 25th of April brought the 2018/19 WiSTEM²D Programme year to a close with the end of year event held in the Millstream Common Room in the University of Limerick. The informal event was attended by staff from EPI*STEM, The faculty of Science and Engineering as well as some form the School of Education to thank everyone for helping throughout Continue Reading
Honorary Appointment University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Professor Merrilyn Goos has won an Honorary appointment to the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) as a Distinguished Visiting Professor. This scheme provides opportunity and financial support for esteemed international researchers to collaborate with UTS academics for a period of between one and six months. Merrilyn will be in residence at UTS for the whole of March 2019, working in the Continue Reading
Numeracy Across the Curriculum Project
In August 2019, EPISTEM will launch the Numeracy Across the Curriculum [NAC] project for schools in the Limerick region. This initiative, which has been successfully implemented in Australia, is a year-long research and development project that develops strategies for teaching numeracy across the curriculum in both primary and secondary schools. The NAC project is a high-quality, certified professional development programme Continue Reading
Adults, Mathematics and Work From Research into Practice
Adults, Mathematics and Work From Research into Practice John J. Keogh, Theresa Maguire and John O’Donoghue Adults use mathematics extensively in work even though they may deny it or dismiss their numerate behaviour as common sense. Their capacity for mathematics is invisible to them and confirms their ‘non-maths person’ self-perception, which has negative consequences for their life choices. In Adults, Continue Reading
Minister announces second phase of Computer Coding at Junior Cycle
A pilot programme to help schools introduce coding at Junior Cycle is to be extended to a second phase from September 2019, Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. has announced. An interim review of the Junior Cycle Coding in Action initiative, published today, showed the positive impact of the initiative on the almost 50 post-primary schools involved in Continue Reading
International Women’s Day 8 March 2019
On the 8th of March at the International Women’s Day conference held in the Bernal Institute on the University of Limerick campus, the 20 WiSTEM²D Team Project Award winners were presented with their awards. This awards presentation embraces the importance of the University of Limerick and Johnson and Johnson collaborative educational programme to support and encourage female students to pursue Continue Reading
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