Five female students were presented with J&J WiSTEM2D awards on the 1st Dec by Prof Don Barry in the University of Limerick. Johnson and Johnson in partnership with University of Limerick announced the WiSTEM2D Award on the 15th Sep 2016. The award is part of a larger project supported by Johnson and Johnson aimed at promoting and assisting female students in the STEM professions. The award was open to all female students of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Manufacturing and Design Subjects entering their 2nd year of study 2016/2017 within the University of Limerick. Not only does the project provide financial assistance (4000 euro per student )it also provides opportunities for students to meet and work with female role models from industry, be mentored by Johnson and Johnson industry leaders in their field and develop their peer network.
Runners Up
Stephanie Moore, Bachelor of Architecture
Laura O’Connor ,Bachelor of Architecture
Ciara Davis , Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry
Award Winners
Áine Bromell ,Batchelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Emma Tobin , Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering
Marie Salova, Bachelor of Science in Product Design and Technology.
Janice O Gorman, Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry
Becky Pienaar, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Health
Left to right: Laura O’Connor , Janice O Gorman, Marie Salova, Prof Don Barry, Becky Pienaar, Áine Bromell, Stephanie Moore, Emma Tobin

Pictured at the Women in STEM Awards in the University of Limerick were: Prof Don Barry, President of the University of Limerick
Picture Credit Brian Gavin Press 22
Left to Right: Regina Mulhall (Janssen, J&J), Stephanie Moore, Janice O Gorman, Marie Salova, Prof Don Barry, Becky Pienaar, Marguerite O'Sullivan (DePuy Synthes, J&J) , Emma Tobin, Áine Bromell, Laura O’Connor, Liz Dooley (Janssen, J&J), Dr Regina Kelly (UL)

Pictured at the Women in STEM Awards in the University of Limerick were: Prof Don Barry, President of the University of Limerick
Picture Credit Brian Gavin Press 22
Left to Right: Dr Regina Kelly (UL), Marguerite O'Sullivan (DePuy Synthes, J&J), Laura O’Connor , Janice O Gorman, Marie Salova, Prof Don Barry, Becky Pienaar, Áine Bromell, Stephanie Moore, Emma Tobin, Dr Mary Shire (Vice President Research, UL), Prof Alison Perry, (Dean EHS, UL)