Assistant Professor of Science Education,
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University
, Turkey
Tuesday 26th April, 12h00, Room A1-065
Title of Talk:
Using Representations for Socioscientific Argumentation in a Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Environment
With the fast advancement of information communication technologies socioscientific issues are debated through multiple media channels more often than ever before. Today, data about these issues typically exists in multiple modalities of representations. This demands learners to extract the information in a systematic way that make sense to them so that they can construct sound arguments about these complex issues. Furthermore, learners need to make transitions between different representations. Computer-supported collaborative environments offer ways for creation and use of representations as a joint activity in argumentation contexts. However, little is known about learners’ representation construction in these environments and how the use of representations intersects with learners’ socioscientific argumentation. This talk will cover findings from a study conducted with a group of preservice teachers who used a web-based knowledge organization platform to organize knowledge about nuclear energy issue through multiple representations. Social network, content and conversation analyses were used to analyze logged data along with video-recordings. The talk will be concluded with a discussion about the role of technology in supporting learners’ socioscientific argumentation.
Dr. Bahadir Namdar earned his integrated BSc-MSc degree in biology education from Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey (2009) and PhD in science education from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA (2014). He worked in Technology Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) group at the University of California, Berkeley as a visiting scholar (2013). After completing his PhD, he joined the Science Education program at Recep Tayyip Erdogan University in Rize, Turkey, where he currently works as an assistant professor. He is a former Fulbright scholar and Sandra K. Abell Research Institute for Doctoral Students fellow. He is currently a member of NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research international committee. Dr. Namdar’s scholarly work focuses on the roles of educational technology in learners’ argumentation and modeling practices, and socioscientific issues. He is also interested in social network analysis and data mining to better understand collaborative learning processes in computer-supported collaborative learning environments.