Attention STEM Teachers: STEM Research Study

We would like to invite 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students in your school to participate in a study of spatial abilities of 11 to 16-year olds and how they are related to attitudes towards science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Our study is motivated by recent changes to the curricula, particularly around new approaches to teaching STEM and by supporting the Government’s STEM Implementation Plan. Data collected in this study could support your school improvement plan if numeracy is a focus of your SSE.

Participation in the study involves the collection of consent from parents and setting aside 40 minutes to administer tests and surveys using electronic devices to 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. In the attached letter, we will elaborate the study and what participation entails.

This study is being run by Colleagues in TUD and supported by Liam Maquet within the SOE in UL.

Click here for further information