ALM 2015, Washington DC, USA, Presentations by EPI•STEM Researchers

From Sunday July 12th until Wednesday July 15th 2015 Dr Niamh O’Meara, Dr Richard Walsh, Ms. Aoife Smith (EPI*STEM), Professor John O’Donoghue (former director of the NCE-MSTL) and Dr Fiona Faulkner (formerly of EPI*STEM) attended the 22nd International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics in Virginia, Washington. The theme of the conference was “Opening Our Mathematical Eyes: Seeing Math in Everything We Do” and it was hosted by the American Institutes for Research. EPI*STEM has long been a supporter of the Maths Eyes project with Aoife Smith currently completing her PhD in the area so this particular conference was of interest to all researchers in the area of mathematics education in the centre. At the conference, Aoife Smith presented the work she is doing with Dr Terri Maguire, Dr Niamh O’Meara and Prof John O’Donoghue in the area of Maths Eyes. Her presentation entitled “An Exploration of Maths Eyes Projects and Events” detailed numerous different projects currently being undertaken in this area and she talked about the work she was doing to develop a model of evaluation for such projects and events. This talk was very well received by all conference delegates and provided much food for thought.

ALM Presentation



ALM Aoife SmithMs Aoife Smith delivering her presentation at ALM 22

Dr Richard Walsh also delivered a talk at the conference. His presentation entitled “Diagnosing Areas of Weakness Among Mature STEM Students at Third-Level, and Current Intervention Methods Employed to Combat These Weaknesses at The University of Limerick” looked at the key misconceptions among mature students entering third level, identified through diagnostic testing. Furthermore he discussed interventions that are currently in place, many of which have been developed/delivered by members of EPI*STEM, to help this particular group of students overcome the difficulties they have with mathematics.

In addition to the presentations delivered by EPI*STEM members there was a vast array of key note speeches over the course of the three days. Two of these stood out above all else. Firstly the key note speech delivered by Dr Terry Maguire, ALM Chair and Founder of the Maths Eyes movement. She spoke about the Maths Eyes movement and in particular how Maths Eyes could be used to give numeracy the profile it deserves. Secondly, the education advisor to President Obama and President of the University of Maryland, Dr Freeman Hrabowski, gave an inspiring speech in which he discussed the route that brought him into STEM education and how he believes we, as an education community, can keep disadvantaged students interested and engaged in STEM education.

ALM FreemanDr Freeman Hrabowski

Alm Terry maguireDr Terry Maguire

Away from the conference, the team from EPI*STEM also got the opportunity to get a tour around Capitol Hill by Congressman Peter T. King. This tour was insightful, enlightening and extremely informative and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Away from the conference, the team from EPI*STEM also got the opportunity to get a tour around Capitol Hill by Congressman Peter T. King. This tour was insightful, enlightening and extremely informative and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

ALM GroupThe EPI*STEM Team (past and present) with Congressman Peter T. King

Finally the conference concluded with the conference dinner and awards ceremony. At this ceremony, Professor John O’Donoghue was recognised for his contribution to ALM since its inaugural year and presented with a gift from all ALM members.

For further information on any of the presentations discussed please contact Niamh O’Meara at