Events & Media

Tangents Podcast with Dr. Niamh O’Meara

Junior Cycle Talks is a podcast channel provided by the Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) support service. The podcasts explore a variety of issues, themes and topics that may be of interest to all teachers, students, parents and school leaders. Housed on this channel is the podcast Tangents which is the JCTs mathematics team’s podcast. It explores a number of Continue Reading

National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) Report

Minister Harris launches “Good Practice in Integrated and Standalone Numeracy Provision at Levels 1 – 3: Background report, guidelines and recommendations”.   On September 27th 2021Minister Simon Harris, on behalf of the Further Education and Training Authority (SOLAS) along with the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) and the Education and Training Board (ETB) launched a report entitled “Good Practice in Continue Reading

Maths Week 2021

📣Calling secondary school mathematics teachers📢 have students ever asked “When will I use logs & indices in the real world?”; “What maths do I need if I want to become a lawyer?”;”Can maths be fun?”;”What’s the point of finding x when it will be a different value tomorrow?” For @mathsweek EPISTEM would love to answer some of these burning questions Continue Reading

Good Practice in Integrated and Standalone Numeracy Provision at Levels 1-3

NALA Numeracy Report

Attention Post-Primary School Teachers

Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching (PDMT) Online Application System is now OPEN   We are delighted to announce that the online application system for the Professional Diploma in Mathematics for Teaching is now open. If you wish to apply for the programme please submit your application online at the following link: Professional Diploma Mathematics Teaching Level 8   IMPORTANT: When Continue Reading

Do pre-service teachers have the necessary numeracy capabilities to support their students’ numeracy development?

Merrilyn Goos book launch – The learning and development of mathematics teacher educators

Goos, M., & Beswick, K. (Eds.) (2021). The learning and development of mathematics teacher educators: International perspectives and challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.   Research in mathematics teacher education as a distinctive field of inquiry has grown substantially over the past 10-15 years. Within this field there is emerging interest in how mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) themselves learn and Continue Reading

Seminar Series – Designing Professional Development for Post-Primary Mathematics and Science Teachers: 26th March 2021

 Two Different Approaches Stemming from an Out-of-Field Experience - Seminar Series  

EPI•STEM’s Winter 2020/2021 Newsletter


Minister Foley welcomes new research on Gender Balance in STEM Education

Gender Balance in STEM Education Research to inform future policy The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD today (Tuesday 17 November) launched a new publication: A Review of Literature to Identify a Set of Effective Interventions for Addressing Gender Balance in STEM in Early Years, Primary and Post-Primary Education Settings. The report sets out what is known about critical barriers Continue Reading

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