About Us

EPI•STEM, the National Centre for STEM Education is a centre based at the University of Limerick. The Centre aims to improve STEM education through research into effective teaching, learning and professional development.


The mission of EPI•STEM is to conduct an integrated program of research, teaching, and engagement that addresses national and international challenges in STEM education. We achieve this goal by leveraging our distinctive connections between STEM education academics and STEM discipline academics, and by forging connections with policy makers, practitioners, industries, and community groups that have a stake in STEM education.


The vision of EPI•STEM is to be recognized as the premier national centre for STEM education that positively influences STEM education policy and practice as well as public perceptions of STEM. EPI•STEM aspires to international recognition for high-quality, high-impact STEM education research that supports beneficial exchange of knowledge between researchers and the communities they serve, and leads to enhanced teaching practices and improved educational outcomes for learners.

Reinforced by an abiding commitment to the principles of academic freedom, the University of Limerick will be guided by six core values in the realisation of our vision: excellence, creativity, ethics, sustainability, community and global focus. Building on this university emphasis,


Values of EPI•STEM

The values of EPI•STEM are guided by six core values in the realisation of our vision: excellence, creativity, ethics, sustainability, community and global focus.