Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Science Education

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Science Education - Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023

I am passionate inspiring science teachers and students in their learning of science in enjoyable and problem-posing environments, particularly through the application of technology and an ICT- enhanced focus to active pedagogies. I completed my bachelor's and master's degrees in Physics Education in Vietnam. I spent several years as a physics teacher before enrolling in the doctoral program at the Doctoral School of Education at the University of Szeged, Hungary, under the supervision of Prof. Benő Csapó. My PhD project focused on assessing the scientific reasoning of secondary school students in a digital environment.

In 2023, I received a Pro Laudanda Promotion award for my outstanding research at the University of Szeged. I currently hold a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship for the year 2023, funded by the Irish Research Council (Grant number: GOIPD/2023/1481)

My research interests lie at the intersection of science education and assistive technology in digital learning and assessment. My current studies focus on applying artificial intelligence (AI) in education to support personalized teaching and learning STEM subjects with focusing on interactive simulation and formative assessment in digital environment.


Please feel free to contact me at:

* Email:

* Phone: 0877181891

* ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-0221

* Scopus Author ID: 57218292466